Jan's Story
How old are you, and where were you born? I was born in 1955, in Sudbury, Ontario. What kind of a childhood did you have? |
had to feed them every fifteen minutes while we were in school. Once, we brought home four baby skunks whose mother had been killed by a car. Baby skunks, it turns out, like to practice spraying their characteristic scent. It wasn't as strong as an adult's, but it still wasn't nice. My family went for regular weekend walks in the country all through my childhood, and this spurred on my interest in the natural world, particularly since my father, a metallurgical engineer and inventor, is a walking encyclopedia of the sciences. He encouraged me to identify things, to learn their characteristics and their names. I blame him entirely for my current obsessions with fungi and slime molds and birds. My mother is an artist, and a brilliant one at that, and it was her influence that pushed me towards art. I'm quite convinced she stuck a crayon in my hand before a spoon. She also had a collection of art books that lived on the bottom shelves of the |
many bookcases in our home. I wasn't stupid, I understood what they were: they were picture books, and picture books were for kids. So I was maybe five when I was first introduced to unclothed human anatomy, to the wonders of Hieronymus Bosch, to the skewed faces of Picasso, to the vegetable- and fish-headed people of Giuseppe Arcimboldi. Among other things, I think this was good for my sense of humor.
What about school? |
making unintelligible art, so I moved to Toronto and enrolled in art school (OCAD). I majored in printmaking and experimental film and video and graduated four years later with no obvious moneymaking skills.
Then what? |
Have you had any other jobs? Freelancing is not always dependable, so, yes. I worked for a time making contact lenses, which I liked doing because I have an affinity for finicky work. I also sewed beads and sequins on Dolly Parton's dresses, which I enjoyed for the same reason. I've wasted lots of time on get-rich-quick schemes, all of which, like that early basement-museum one, failed to live up to my expectations. I've now worked alone for so long I believe myself to be unemployable, though I'm no longer as rude as I once was. When did you start writing? When and why did you start making kids' books? Where do you live? What do you do in your spare time? What was your favorite book when you were a kid? |